We are 7 billion people, and we will be over 10 billion by 2050. Feeding an increasing population will be necessary, and all these challenges will need to be addressed with the help of farmers. That`s why the digitalization of the field is becoming increasingly important for enhancing efficiency.
During the Arggo Digitalks webinar, our colleague Alexandru Tanasa, Digital Business Advisor – Arggo, together with two expert guests, Rodica Lupu – CEO Loop Operations and Vlad Motoiu, SMC RRF Program Manager – Microsoft, discussed the opportunity for SMEs in Romania to access to PNRR grants for the digitization of companies in 2023.
At the Club Antreprenor Gala, December 2022 edition, we are pleased to be recognized with the “Premiul de excelenta in digitalizare pentru gestionarea proceselor de business”. This award would not have been possible without the trust, openness to the technological advance and growth ambitions from our partners.
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