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IT Channel: How has the pandemic affected the Arggo business?

Andrei Cârcu, General Manager of Arggo, was kind enough to share in an extremely interesting dialogue how the company he leads, approaches clients through consulting services, implementation of business solutions, cloud solutions and own solutions.

Digitization is the most used word in the last 2 years and will remain in the following ones

Digital transformation integrates technology into all business areas, aiming to increase efficiency and profitability for companies. It fundamentally changes communication through platforms like Teams and Zoom, enabling virtual meetings and remote events. Moreover, digital transformation automates systems and processes, revolutionizing how modern businesses operate.

What makes us different are the people

Andrei Carcu, General Manager at Arggo, gave an interview to Entrepreneur Club magazine and answered 21 questions regarding Arggo’s business plans, clients, but also about the Arggonauts team.

Arggo SAF-T reporting solution

Our colleague, Lucian Oprea, Business Solutions Manager revealed what are the advantages and the challenges of companies and clients to implement SAF-T [the standard tax audit file] in this article made by

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